Pure Faith: A Bible Discussion Podcast

Matthew 5:1-10...Part 4 - Pursuing Joy and Wisdom through Jesus

Mitchell Heitkamp and Michele Waymire Episode 102

Are you ready to get up close and personal with the Beatitudes? Your hosts, Michele and Mitchell, will guide you on this enlightening journey, beginning with the third verse. We'll lend some clarity to the language and pacing of these verses, offering tips to enhance your understanding. We'll also share some personal stories from our recent church league volleyball game and a fun-filled 4th of July celebration. In it all, we stress the importance of giving your all in everything you do, a value that we've learned on the volleyball court.

Moving on, we challenge the concept of finding happiness through material possessions, proposing instead an intimate relationship with Jesus. We delve into what it means to be 'poor in spirit' and how it can bring you closer to Jesus, opening the gates of the kingdom of heaven. We weave through the Beatitudes' use of present and future tenses, revealing its crucial impact on our relationship with Jesus. And for a little spark, we passionately debate the meaning of "happy are those who mourn" and its link to joy. We'll wrap up the episode discussing the joy and power of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and the beauty of experiencing a close relationship with Him. Make sure to subscribe to continue this journey of faith with us.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome to another episode of the Pure Faith Podcast, a podcast that we discuss all things Bible with me tonight, as my brother Mitchell, hi, he's actually with me every week and I'm Michelle, so thank you for joining us, and what do we have going on?

Speaker 2:

You're gonna do the whole like and subscribe and all that.

Speaker 1:

I didn't, because I kind of got. I thought, well, I'll just wait till the end.

Speaker 2:

It's fine.

Speaker 1:

We ask that you like this video, subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't forget to hit the notification icon to be notified when new episodes are released. I told you I have a headache.

Speaker 2:

So we're gonna have a talk and lunch tonight.

Speaker 1:

You know how about I stay silent the rest of the time? Okay?

Speaker 2:

I'll see how this goes. So how was your day? That's good. Glad to hear it. I mean read it.

Speaker 1:

All right, You know I can't do that.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

Wouldn't it be interesting if I could, though Not really. Oh, he loves me. He loves that I talk as much as I do.

Speaker 2:

I can take it in multiple ways.

Speaker 1:

Oh, listen, it's. I thought it was gonna be freezing cold in here, because it's always freezing cold in here, but it's kind of warm in here tonight.

Speaker 2:

Comfortable. So what's going on?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, like not much. How about you? No, we both played in a church league volleyball game together.

Speaker 2:

We did.

Speaker 1:

It was interesting.

Speaker 2:

It was, it was epic.

Speaker 1:

Not. Most people will use their bald head to hit the ball, but Mitchell did Hey, because why not?

Speaker 2:

I had it on my head, so I just used it If it would have went over the net.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if they would have let us play on. They said.

Speaker 2:

Because it sure didn't, it was Wasted. Them both They love you. That's quite interesting. Well, if I would have known that, I actually would have tried to hit it back over and sort of just So next time I should just let it hit off my face and see where it goes. Yes, wouldn't that be funny.

Speaker 1:

It'd get me out of the game.

Speaker 2:

I may laugh.

Speaker 1:

Both of us went diving after that one ball. It was the last one that I think you said give 100% effort. Oh yeah, i think we have five points and, if I'm not mistaken, i serve three of those points.

Speaker 2:

Good job, i know. But, I gave up, like I don't know, 20 of their points 22.

Speaker 1:

Anyhow, so I didn't really get realized. it was game point for them And you said we need somebody, said we need to give 100% effort.

Speaker 2:

Okay, i said something, but I don't remember what I actually said.

Speaker 1:

The thing is is that I think that we both went diving after the ball. We both missed it. We're both laying on the ground and the other team was ready to like clap because it was over. I was like, oh well, I guess we should get up. We were struggling, We gave, we gave 100% effort. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It just was a very good effort.

Speaker 1:

No, it really was. We're very entertaining.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We're not competitive. No, no, but the other team said it was refreshing not to play. It's a competitive team.

Speaker 2:

We were there to have fun.

Speaker 1:

We're just pure entertainment. Yeah, i won't be there the next game. I'm gonna be out camping, so I won't be there. Idea, i Don't know what next game is. I don't have a schedule. I get a text message. Hey, we need that's what I get. I'm like do you really need me because Did you watch people. You just need a body on the core. Oh, okay, yeah, i got you. Oh, oh, shoot other than that. Yeah, i know, right, hope everybody had a good fourth. Yeah, yeah, we did sure, that's my plan.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, it was a big party, fireworks and everything. We really enjoyed it. Balty houses.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, kids had a great time. Oh, and mom's food.

Speaker 2:

Top notch. I got nothing, i know right okay, all right, we're ready to start.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sure, let's get on with this.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Matthew, and we are starting at verse three.

Speaker 2:

You gonna read.

Speaker 1:

Um, blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. You want me to keep going? Yeah, okay, are you sure? Okay, are there any words that I'm gonna mispronounce? that people will make fun of me?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, we'll see.

Speaker 1:

Well, one way to find out blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs Is the kingdom of heaven. I don't actually fall asleep when you, oh sorry.

Speaker 2:

You're just reading, so slow.

Speaker 1:

I know, but you, you say it so fast. People are like I don't know what he just said. See, there's a, there's a comma. When they're I'm not an english major, i say most words wrong, but when there's a comma you're supposed to pause.

Speaker 2:

I do pause for like split second.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's split.

Speaker 2:

All right, so we're gonna start our verse by verse. So, as promised in our last episode, yeah, we're just getting straight into the beatitudes. Yeah, there's no more. No more beating around the bush here, we're getting right into the beatitude right into it right there, right in verse three verse three which is blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs, the kingdom of heaven.

Speaker 2:

So This echoes isa 61 one. Like I said in our last episode, a lot of these Beatitudes do have I mean, this wasn't new revelation by Jesus. This all of these have some sort of basis in Old Testament and for this one, one of them, which are multiple, but the one that I picked out, is isaas 61 one. But we're not going to cover that now Because, like I also said, this ties in with verse four, next beatitude, and so I'm actually going to cover this along with That in verse four. So we'll be covering this later.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But I did want to point that out. Um, blessed are. This is something that we have talked about a lot, a lot Um. So this is where you would make those substitutions, if you want to Um, like, if you want to use happy, or if you want to use joyful or or fortunate, or if you want to change blessed are to congratulations to, or any of those other ones that we were talking about. If You want to change this or you can use blessed, blessed is also works It? just Whatever word or group of words Will help you to understand the actual Greek word used here, which is macarios right.

Speaker 2:

So whatever You can use to help you understand that meaning, then that is what you can use here.

Speaker 2:

So poor in spirit poor so The poor mentioned here, at least from a biblical point of view, they're often presented as gods faithful people. So, then, this is true throughout the bible, but it's especially true in psalms, and there's a lot of it's almost a theme in psalms where The poor in spirit, they are portrayed as As being dependent on god, and being dependent on on god's protection and just everything from god, especially when they are in a situation of being oppressed by the ungodly rich Is the way a lot of people put it. Um, so, oh, so these people, these poor spirits, are The whole. The whole aspect about it is the fact that they have a personal relationship with Jesus, with God, because, to be Man, i actually studied before this but apparently apparently I'm not doing very good today.

Speaker 1:

It's just not flowing, for you Is it.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not.

Speaker 1:

Hmm So.

Speaker 2:

They have a relationship with God and they live their lives in a positive spiritual orientation, and by that I mean they are living their lives Focused on God.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So and kind of has a little bit of that same feeling as joyful, or that happiness, not the feeling, the state of being happy That is Macario's. Mm-hmm It has that same general feeling where they are living their lives in the matter What happens in their life. They are staying focused on God, and That is What is meant by poor spirit, at least in a biblical when revealed. So this doesn't mean. What poor and spirit doesn't mean is the fact that a person is Financially poor right and has nothing to do with a person's financial status.

Speaker 2:

Good or bad, it doesn't matter doesn't matter. And it's also doesn't mean that they're weak in character. This is. It doesn't mean that's You know, they are not a Normal functioning person in society Mm-hmm. So has nothing to do with any of that. A person can be financially rich or poor And still be poor in spirit.

Speaker 1:

That's it makes sense the way it works.

Speaker 2:

But, however, the opposite is also true. Somebody can be financially well off But still Lack, being poor in spirit. Or there could be, quote-unquote rich in spirit, mm-hmm, and somebody who could be Dirt poor that don't have two pennies rubbed together They could still be rich in spirit.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And by rich in spirit. We're talking about somebody who is self-righteous, arrogant, somebody who their main goal in life is to Reach that next rung in that social ladder They're. They're striving after financial wealth there.

Speaker 2:

They're striving after Status and power and position and They would go as far as to Throw their own mother under the bus if it was going to get them another step higher in the rung of social status. I mean, it's all about them. It's they're focused on themselves, their own personal needs, their own personal wants, and There is no connection whatsoever to God or Jesus or anything With religion. Period. It's all about them reaching for the next step. That's what we mean by rich in spirit, because they think highly of themselves, where that is obviously the opposite of poor in spirit, where we give up ourselves and We focus on God and we put our lives in the hands of God and we follow Him and not ourselves. So, from a biblical point of view, to be poor was meant to be a Frame of mind and, like we said, it's not a Economic status, it is a frame of mind. It is the way you would view yourself in an inward status, and It really doesn't matter what people see on the outward side of you.

Speaker 2:

I mean you may have, you know, nice cars, nice things, whatever, but it's not about the outward, it's about the inward. So you can have nice stuff and Be completely focused on God and be poor in spirit and That's all good, mm-hmm. But again, the opposite is also true. So this kind of reminds me of an idiom that you remember. Idiom means Should I skip that?

Speaker 1:

No, we've already done this before. It's like deja vu.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but this is a good one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, the idiom is as follows You're crazy, what You're crazy. No, I'm not.

Speaker 1:

I sure am.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, the idiom I'm referring to is the fact that money can't buy you happiness. Right, and the whole idea of this idiom is the fact that you can have all the wealth in the world I mean, you could be the richest person in the world But if you're rich in spirit, like we just talked about, if you are self-centered, you know everything's about you and you have no relationship at all with God, then your life's going to be miserable. You're not going to find happiness, you're going to be chasing all these different things trying to find happiness. And the book of the Decluse Assis yeah, that's where Solomon is. Sorry, this just came to me, so I'm going with it.

Speaker 2:

So, solomon, where everything is meaningless. And if you actually read the book, it's a story about how Solomon goes out and tries to do all these different things, whether Whatever, it is everything that he could possibly do in a worldly fashion to try to find happiness. But in the end, everything is meaningless And the whole point of the book is the fact that without Jesus, without God, life is meaningless. So that's kind of what we're talking about here with this idiom money can't buy you happiness. You can have all the money in the world, but without Jesus your life will still be meaningless. So the key to this idiom is not the money, it's not the wealth, it's not your personal financial status or position. It's about happiness. And you can't go to your local convenience store to buy happiness. You can't go to a big box store by happiness and there's no store online, no website you can go to.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, even Amazon doesn't have happiness. I checked, i had to search.

Speaker 1:

I checked, you did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all I have is sign saying be happy and stuff Actually.

Speaker 1:

I just made it up.

Speaker 2:

But no, you can't buy happiness. The only way you can get happiness is through being poor in spirit, and your poor in spirit by, or the way you portray being poor in spirit, is by having your life focused on God, so giving your life to Jesus and becoming dependent on him instead of on yourself.

Speaker 1:

And how people are blinded to all of it is beyond me in the world today that if you don't have everything And it just blows my mind that from the outside, looking in, you know you, you take a deep dive into your faith, that you know 40 rather than at any age, say 27, and how you were led so long down the wrong path, that happiness was about your status, materialistic things, all of this. And it's not until you, i don't know, do you grow up and you realize it, do you? I mean, of course you know. For me, i feel like I just got hit in the face, you know, with And unfortunately that's kind of what has to happen?

Speaker 1:

Oh, and it's so sad And I just want people to know that do not wait for an unfortunate event to happen in your life to find joy and realize that materialistic things is not happiness. Yeah it's not happiness.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't mean you can't have material things right, but it's about being focused right on God right Jesus, i mean.

Speaker 1:

he will always provide. So you're rich, and you're rich in your faith, and you're rich in your heart and everything, because he will provide for you. It's not all about the dollar.

Speaker 2:

Nope, no, i actually hate money.

Speaker 1:

Do you?

Speaker 2:

And I hate time.

Speaker 1:

Do you hate time?

Speaker 2:

I hate time. I don't know why I have a.

Speaker 1:

You're always reminding me to put my timer on, so I didn't even put my time for much Time does go by very fast.

Speaker 2:

It absolutely does So anyways, yeah, I'm sorry, We're talking about See if you would have told me just to not talk the entire time. Was it too late, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I have said that in a while.

Speaker 2:

Anyways. So again, if you the whole point of this idiom is happiness, how do you find happiness? and you find happiness by finding joy.

Speaker 1:

What you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

If you can find joy, then that's where you're going to find happiness. But how do you find joy? You find joy through a close, deep personal relationship with you.

Speaker 2:

He talked about that last week or two weeks ago or whatever, but having that personal relationship with Jesus and understanding the fact that, no matter what happens in life, you have that promise of eternity with Jesus and that's where you find that joy. So how do you develop that relationship with Jesus? Okay, so you need that relationship with Jesus in order to find joy. How do you develop that relationship? How do you develop that relationship by being poor in spirit? Again, how do you show or how do you develop the fact that you're poor in spirit and that is living your life focused on Jesus. So, in other words, it's all focused on Jesus, like we were talking before you started.

Speaker 2:

What's the answer to every question?

Speaker 1:

Jesus, that's ironic that we talked about that before we even started this episode.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so moving on from there, for there's is the kingdom of heaven. So, again, we've already talked about this briefly, and the fact that the kingdom of heaven is already here and that was brought to us via Jesus Is the answer again. But, yes, his death on the cross, the burial resurrection as ascension into heaven. With that came the fact that we now have the kingdom of heaven here on earth with us. We are living in an age of the kingdom of heaven. How do we gain access to the kingdom of heaven? Same answer Jesus. Very good, oh, i am it First.

Speaker 1:

Let me get myself an A plus.

Speaker 2:

Well, i don't know. There's a bit of a hesitation. Maybe a B minus.

Speaker 1:

That's not very nice. I'm going to point O too, okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm a strict teacher.

Speaker 1:

I wrote it on my paper. Anyways, Pure entertainment.

Speaker 2:

So I don't even know where I was. So how do you gain access to the kingdom of heaven? It's through, again, Jesus. It's through that relationship with Jesus, The fact accepting the fact that Jesus did die on the cross for us and the fact that He was resurrected, accepting all that is how you get access through the kingdom of heaven. But another way you can say that is by being poor in spirit. Because if you accept Jesus as who He is and what He has, done for us and then you live your life focused on Jesus.

Speaker 2:

That's how you live your life being poor in spirit, and that's how you're going to find that joy, that's how you're going to find that happiness. You're just focusing all that. But notice that this is in present tense. It says for there's is the kingdom of heaven. So if we remember from I don't know six episodes ago, verses three and ten have the same second clause Which is for there's is the kingdom of heaven, and it kind of puts those bookends at the beginning and end of the Beatitudes.

Speaker 1:

I remember.

Speaker 2:

But all the ones in between verses four through nine. Their second clause is going to be future tense. So it's something is going to be happening, whatever. So this means that if we do accept Jesus, if we do everything where I just said, then we have access to the kingdom of heaven Right now, today. If you accept Jesus and decide to live your life focused on Jesus, you have access to the kingdom of heaven. It's not something that you have to wait for. It's not something that is going to be this far off promise that is unobtainable. It is something that you can have right now, today.

Speaker 1:

And how does that not make you smile It?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I know right.

Speaker 2:

You were so grumpy when you got here, and now you're smiling.

Speaker 1:

I was so grumpy and I'm so happy now because I just know.

Speaker 2:

You have Jesus.

Speaker 1:

I have Jesus.

Speaker 2:

I have some.

Speaker 1:

Oh, three minutes, Boy, that time is just really going by fast.

Speaker 2:

It is, so we'll go ahead and start verse four. Okay, we have three minutes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And verse four is blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. And again, starting off with the blessed are we've covered for that quite a bit And going into those who mourn, now that we know, have a better idea what Macarios means if we actually substitute happy in for this to say happy are those who mourn. if you look at it from the fact that happy is a feeling, this becomes kind of nonsense and it doesn't feel right. But if you look at it from the aspect that happy is a state of being like joyful, then it makes sense to say happy are those who mourn. because now you know, it's not about that feeling, it's about the state of being happy or joyful. And the reason I bring that up again is because whenever we start talking about those who mourn mourn isn't necessarily the same kind of mourn that we would typically think of in today's society.

Speaker 2:

It's not about just the sadness, the grief, like when you lose a loved one or whatever may happen in your life. It's not necessarily that type of mourning. I mean, yes, that is included, but this mourning has more to do with referring to mourning from being separated from God. So to put that more specifically, when we sin, then that creates a broken relationship with God, it fractures that relationship and it will cause separation. If you let that sin go unspoken, if you don't confess those sins, then that creates a fracture in that relationship and it could fester and that gives room for the devil to come in and do his evil work.

Speaker 2:

So even though we may be living our lives according to the Beatitudes, that doesn't mean you may not slip up and sin. Some typical or just a few ideas that I had off the top of my head was drunkenness, pornography, lust, idolatry, all these things that people may have been doing frequently before Christ. They may have elapsed after accepting Christ and that's going to create that separation. So this mourning is mourning over the fact that you have broken that relationship with God and then it's up to you to mend that relationship. So if you are able to mend that relationship, they are the ones that are blessed, that are happy along those lines.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Man I don't think I'm going to have time to get to the next section. So when we come back next week we're going to start kind of like what I hinted at the beginning. So we're going to come back to Isaiah 61. Okay, we're going to cover one through three and kind of do a little bit of a breakdown of that, because that pulls in this idea of being poor in spirit as well as the mourning aspect of it and kind of combines them both together and kind of shows us how they work together. So that's what we'll do next week.

Speaker 1:

Fantastic, so let me find my paper. Okay, Okay here we go, waiting on you, waiting on you, waiting on you. So if you're joining us, please leave a comment on this video or go to the contact page on purfavelivingcom to send us a message And, as always, if you like what you hear, then we ask that you share this show with others so we can all work together and spring the good news of Jesus Christ. Don't forget to subscribe and we will talk to you again next time.

Speaker 2:

Yes, subscribe. Have a blessed day, everybody. God bless you.