Pure Faith: A Bible Discussion Podcast

Matthew 5:1-10...Part 8 - Baldness, Weddings, and Biblical Wisdom: A Joyous Journey

Mitchell Heitkamp and Michele Waymire Episode 108

You know that feeling when you're setting up a massive tent for a wedding, and you can't help but recall that time you accidentally shaved your head during a deployment in Kuwait? Yeah, us too. Join us as we navigate the chaos of preparing for Olivia and Owen's upcoming nuptials while indulging in a bit of nostalgia. From our boys causing mischief at church to musing over our grandpas' hair and the impending baldness of our own kids, we've got some fun stories to share. 

Ever been pulled over by the police and thought about the concepts of mercy and grace? We're taking a deep dive into these profound terms and how they intertwine in our everyday lives. Using our personal experiences with law enforcement, we're unpacking the differences and nuances between mercy, the forgiveness of wrongs when you don't deserve it, and grace, a gift given alongside that forgiveness. But we don't leave it there. We further explore how love, as defined in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, aids us in showing mercy, and the role of forgiveness as highlighted in Matthew 6:14-15.

This episode isn't just about weddings and law enforcement encounters, it's about living in a state of joy and mercy. Guided by the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18:23-35, we underscore the importance of forgiveness and mercy in our lives as Christians. We encourage you to join our discussion, live in a state of joy and mercy, and help us spread the good news of Jesus Christ. We promise you an engaging and insightful conversation, filled with humor, anecdotes, and a fresh perspective on age-old teachings. Tune in, and let's share this journey together.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Pure Faith Podcast. I am your host, michelle Wehmeyer, and with me is my brother and co-host, mitchell Heitkamp. We ask that you like this video, subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't forget to hit the notification icon to be notified when new episodes are released. We're doing this a little bit earlier than what we usually do, so I got a little bit more energy.

Speaker 3:

We're doing it earlier, not only in the day, but in the week.

Speaker 1:

We weren't going to do it until later tonight and then Grandma said she'd feed the grand boys. So it was like, okay, let's do it now and get it over with.

Speaker 3:

We're getting picked up earlier, so she doesn't have them all night.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a great idea. It would have been nice if we planned it yesterday instead of today.

Speaker 3:

Miss communication.

Speaker 1:

Or none or none. Thanks, grandma.

Speaker 3:

Yes, thank you, mother.

Speaker 1:

We've got a busy week this week so we decided to record a little bit earlier. We're having a wedding bash for Olivia and Owen this coming weekend, so we're very busy. They are getting married in December, but we are celebrating them this coming weekend for us Fun times. I don't even think it's stressful. It's not stressful for me, I know right, we just got things we got to do Zero stress. I really don't have any stress either, except for I mean I just know we bought this large tent and we've not put it up yet. No.

Speaker 1:

It's the first time putting it up and it's like, okay, so this could go really smoothly, or it could go really bad.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I did kind of forget about that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, mind you, I've texted them multiple times.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I've ever responded.

Speaker 1:

So, but no, it'll be good, everything will work out just fine, so no worries there. Does this have full percent? Oh look, 100% battery.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because I asked Paige to plug it in before she went to work.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let me just tell you that I had your boys again for a short period of time. I don't remember. Oh remember you and Paige went out to dinner with your friends. Okay, that was Sunday, so it was.

Speaker 1:

Sunday and I just had them for a few hours from like 4pm to like 7pm, but this was in the bag, oh for a certain church With like no percentage and no passcode. Like I had no idea what the passcode was, you had one upset little boy he could have called us. I didn't want to interrupt your dinner. Plus, they don't need to be on that thing. No, they don't. We found other things to do.

Speaker 3:

They're still in there from church yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, don't put it in there again when they kind of have to. I'll try not to Thank you. Oh, shoot so.

Speaker 3:

Andrea, we actually had a loss for a little bit. It's like where's the iPad at. Then we finally realized it was still in the diaper bag.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, probably dead.

Speaker 3:

Probably. Yeah, I'm sure it probably was. The pages were on the needle and not me.

Speaker 1:

Oh wow, interesting enough.

Speaker 3:

She uses it to read to her Bible reading.

Speaker 1:

Oh, does she.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh good, this is a very holy tablet.

Speaker 3:

It is. It does a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, now hold your notes for the Bible study that we're about to partake in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm even less prepared this week than I was last time.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's summertime, I mean really it's a busy time of the year, so and you haven't had military weekend in a while to get prepared, but you've got that this weekend. Okay, seriously Itchy, Don't you have to shave that for this weekend?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll probably shave it.

Speaker 1:

It's like sticking out so far. Will you please just tame it? Thank you.

Speaker 3:

I saw a bed beard. I don't take care of my beard. For it to work.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's really. Even though we grew up with this, I still can't Like. Grew up with it. Yeah, he never tamed his beard, it was all over the place, I think at older, he kept it short. Yeah, he yeah so short that it was so weird. It was so weird how short he would keep it. But we actually just talked about this, so I might have a son that could be worried that he's going to go bald like his dad. And my response is Grumpaloo had a full head of hair with.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, look at me, I don't have a full head of hair.

Speaker 1:

I know, and you know, it's just to go by your your mom's dad, right I? Don't know. And if you look at that thing, yeah, you should be bald, but that's not. I know it's so weird. Grandpa comp was.

Speaker 3:

Grandpa high camp was too Well, he wasn't like bald, bald, but he was thin.

Speaker 1:

Right. But yeah, he's still had nice hair Grump. I mean, Grumpaloo took good care of it, she combed it over for him. She did a good job.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, grandpa Conquist bald.

Speaker 1:

Grandpa Conquist bald, and so Don's Don's grandpa Hartle, carolyn's dad bald. So I just told this son of mine that, no worries, grumpaloo had some hair. You might be okay. I'm not sure it's going to go that way. No, probably have hair until he's well off to go to heaven. He'll have luscious set of hair. They are probably bald, as bald comes.

Speaker 3:

Although Matt is thinny. Oh did you not know this.

Speaker 1:

I've noticed a little bit.

Speaker 3:

I just went sooner than he did.

Speaker 1:

A lot sooner. Yeah, yeah, well, it's better off. You like gave up, like Don.

Speaker 3:

You just give up, like just I thought I've ever told you the story of the first time I shaved my head. It was an accident.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't know if I knew that. So I don't know if I knew that.

Speaker 3:

Here's a fun story. So it was in Kuwait on my last deployment and I went into the barber shop. Normally I took my clippers with me and I just buzzed my own hair. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, I was in the transition of a move back to Kuwait for my rack and I didn't. My clippers were still packed up and I really needed a haircut. You know, whatever, I'm just going to go to the barber shop and I'm going to have them do it. So I walk in there and if you've been deployed, you will know that a lot of the workers on post are not American, okay, and they typically don't speak English very well. Okay.

Speaker 3:

So I went in there and I was like. Hey, do you shave my head? And he looked at me like Dave. I was like yeah, can you? Can you shave my head? It's all of it. I was like yeah, all of it. And so I sit down on the chair and he gets the clippers out and he's buzzing my doesn't my head? Like perfect. And the next I know no, he breaks out the shaving cream. And I was like what is he doing? But I was considering doing this anyways well, just Was this the time?

Speaker 1:

I mean you Were you really kind of thinning and it at this time? Oh yeah, I was yeah, I think yeah, and so it was.

Speaker 3:

That's why I didn't stop him. Like I've been wanting to do this, I just never Made the initiative. I'm like maybe this is God working in my life. I'm gonna shave my head. So I was like you know what, I'm not even gonna say anything. I wouldn't, I'm gonna let this go. And I think he even used a straight razor.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh my god it's traditional.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and his towel is red. Oh, first, well, oh my god, you have to realize the first time you shave your head you actually have a bunch of little bumps and stuff, that they're just there. Yeah actually, and so they're getting all shaved off and so oh my gosh. Every now and then I'll get a bump or something that I'll shave off and I'll be bloody.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so it was fun fat your ants if you get deployed, just a buzz yeah, as clear as you can in English.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, it was fun.

Speaker 1:

Oh my, am I gonna shave my head ever since?

Speaker 3:

yes, you know I took that little break. Yeah, don't, that's recorded. Good, back to what up.

Speaker 1:

Don had. Don sometimes will go three days. He usually shaves every other day and he does the same thing me. He shaves his head, shaves his beard and his face, whatever, and sometimes he'll go three days. And I'll be like, are you like trying out for a movie or something like like I don't remember what the movie is that we always Say that he looks like he's, he's one of the actors on him. He puts on some, some shades Um, transporter, is that what it's called?

Speaker 1:

and yes yeah, as he always has that little bit of a just a little bit of a shadow everywhere. I mean, you auditioned him for a movie Like what's going on here, like maybe you shouldn't.

Speaker 3:

I think. I think it's too would be a stuff man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he has 47, but I mean it's still funny, yeah, so Sometimes so dry like he is in the transporter to and I'm asking to stop. Can you please stop it?

Speaker 3:

as soon as I put in a sport mode. I know I don't even get to don't even do it. They put sport mode in cars for a reason, and so guys can feel that it's her car. I don't drive it by myself.

Speaker 1:

I Don't have sport mode on my car the only mode that we put it on is economy.

Speaker 3:

I do do that sometimes actually shoot, all right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we probably should do a podcast. I know you have because you didn't find any, so I'm gonna just I Say we get started.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, before we get into the next verse, there is kind of a change of feeling in the beatitudes. So the first four have been more about your personal development, okay, your relationship with that so poor in spirit, being about living a life focused on God. Those who mourn bless are those who mourn or those who are mourning for a deeper relationship with the Lord. Blessed are the meek, where that is more about Having that humble spirit in treating others with that love and dignity the Lord shows us, so treating others the way that God treats us, and live in your neighbor like you love yourself. And Then hunger and thirst. Blessed are those who hunger. Thirst for righteousness was about those who have that desire, that, that burning desire to live a life that is right in the eyes of the Lord. So so, living your life the way that you think the Lord is guiding you to lead, your life.

Speaker 3:

So these are about your Personal relationship with the Lord and developing that relationship with the Lord okay but as we move on into these next three, they are going to be more about how to conduct yourself, like they're more on Instructions on on how you should live your life, more than on Developing that relationship of the Lord okay and that'll make more sense as I get into it, but that's just something that I just wanted to start out with before we even get into this.

Speaker 3:

So Verse seven reads blessed are the mercy fool, for they shall receive mercy. So this is going to be the episode about mercy, mercy no. So when I say mercy, what do you think of? I don't know. See, you don't have any notes, see, I can I know right. Normally you have the answers because you're at the notes.

Speaker 1:

I don't have my notes. So normally when we think of biblical mercy like I was going to say it and I don't say it.

Speaker 3:

Well, mercy is about forgiveness, but the other word that you often correlate with mercy is grace, because they're in that same ballpark and I guess that's a good way of saying it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've got my sensey shirt on, so yeah.

Speaker 3:

There you go.

Speaker 1:

I have my.

Speaker 3:

Jesus had a beard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we know.

Speaker 3:

You like.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, you like Jesus, so I'm trying to be like Jesus. I'm not going to be like Jesus in that way. I mean, if you want to.

Speaker 3:

Good. So we're going to look at the difference between mercy and grace, starting out here. Oh good. And again the blessed that are Macarios. Again, if you want to see, you want to learn more about that, you can click on the link. So mercy is the definition of mercy is to be forgiven of wrongs when you don't deserve it. Okay.

Speaker 3:

A lot of people use mercy and grace, but they don't fully understand the actual definitions. So we're going to cover that. And the definition of mercy is to be forgiven of wrongs when you don't deserve it. Grace is along the same lines You're still being forgiven of those, whatever those wrongdoings, when you don't deserve it, but it adds onto it an additional blessing or a gift, and I will explain what I mean by that. So the most common way that I explain this is imagine that you are driving in your car Okay, if you don't have your license. Imagine you had your license and you're driving in a car Okay, and you obviously do something that you know is wrong.

Speaker 3:

Like you may not have done it intentionally.

Speaker 1:

People do this all the time.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, especially with like distracted driving people Like you look up and there's a stop, like the thread, and you don't have time to stop and you have to blow a red light or stop signs Same thing, stop signs. I know the. I've only ever gotten one speeding ticket in my life and that was it was like 10 o'clock at night. I was on my way home from work and I've been through this town before, but it was unfamiliar. Well, the town, you go around a curve in a wooded area and then you go into the town like immediately after that, well, I didn't see the speed limit drop from 55 to 35. And I mean I was slowing down, but I didn't slow down fast enough, apparently, and the local town cop.

Speaker 1:

You got ticketed.

Speaker 3:

I had nothing better to do than to give me a ticket.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, no. So, I've only had one ticket also, but we won't tell my story.

Speaker 3:

Yeah for 95 and 35.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't that bad. Okay 79 and 55. Yeah, coming back from Lyndon, dale's house.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I do remember that now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I lost my license for a few days.

Speaker 3:

I don't lose my license. So yeah, things like that happen. So if you do something like that and you realize you did something wrong, like immediately and you're like I did that wrong. And as soon as you realize you did it wrong, you see the lights in your rear view mirror. All right, so you're like well, I know I did something wrong. I fully accept the fact that I'm going to get a ticket for this. I have no excuse. So you pull over. The cop comes up, but instead of giving you a ticket, he just gives you a warning.

Speaker 3:

Give you a warning. Well, you know you did wrong, he knows you did wrong, or she, the officer, knew you did wrong, but yet they still chose to give you a warning. Well, that's mercy. I mean, you clearly did something wrong, but they chose not to punish you. So that is mercy. So to take it a step further, to understand grace, let's say that same scenario applies, but in order to understand grace we need to have more backstory. So let's say you are in a very tight spot financially. You don't have the means to buy groceries, let alone pay for some sort of violation?

Speaker 3:

ticket or whatever. So, but again, you still know you did wrong, you know you deserve the ticket, but you are really stressing over the fact of how are you going to pay for said ticket. Well, now this officer comes up to your car and not only do they just give you a warning, but for some unknown reason, they decide to give you a gift card to a local grocery store that's you didn't ask for. They just felt like they had it and they weren't going to use it, and they just felt like they were being told to give it to you. So now, not only did you not get the ticket for whatever violation that you had driving, which was the mercy, now you're being given a gift on top of that mercy. Now you're in grace.

Speaker 3:

So it's about forgiveness for both of them. But then mercy takes it a step or grace takes it a step further. So whenever we see mercy, especially in this attitude, we often correlate it with this forgiveness. But Mercy is more than just forgiveness, because to forgive somebody for something I'm gonna use my boys as an example, because they fight a lot, as you will know. They think their boys, they're young, their boys, they hit each other anyways only a couple times a minute.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So a Lot of times what I do when they're Hitting each other, one hits the other, or whatever I Make the one we're both in a lot of cases say sorry to the other, but then I also have the other one accept the forgiveness. It's like Like, okay, say Z kids, eli, I'll tell Zeke that he has to tell Eli. Sorry he does. Then I tell Eli Do you forgive Zeke or do you accept his apology, do you forgive him? And then Eli typically says yes, I don't. I don't think he realizes what he's even saying. He's just he's just going with yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what I kind of do. So like whenever that situation occurs, they're just giving forgiveness for that one incident. Let's be honest here. Zeke's gonna hit Eli again. He was one of his Zeke again. Mm-hmm now they're starting to hit up from oh my god. So, have him, so sweet is well, I from sitting back, so it's.

Speaker 1:

But he's too cute, he's so cute. It's cuz. He looks like me all of your boys are cute actually, and they none of them look like.

Speaker 3:

None of them are all different none of them look alike.

Speaker 1:

No at all.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh, but they're all they and they all have their cuteness to them. They really do yeah but you know happens to the baby. It means we won like tomorrow or something.

Speaker 3:

You know, I, you like, just gives me kisses all the time. Oh, like he would just grab my arm and just give me a kiss on the arm, just randomly.

Speaker 1:

They're so sweet that. So when they hit each other, you don't want to punish them, so you want them just to bring each other. So then do you take a step, step further and say, alright, you apologize. Oh you, you excited for okay ice cream for everybody. That's great, isn't that, isn't it?

Speaker 3:

well, that would be great, but I'm not the one that has to give the forgiveness here. That's between now. I'm just the overboard. That's too powerful. I don't, I'm just overseeing what's happening, okay. But like I was saying, they're gonna hit each other again. Yes, they are, so that's gonna require more forgiveness. Yes more apologies, more forgiveness Well, that's forgiveness, but mercy takes that a step further than forgiveness, because mercy is more about the mindset In the viewpoint. So it's almost kind of like joy how we've talked about joy is a frame of mind, and happiness is a feeling

Speaker 3:

well, this is kind of similar way where, where Forgiveness would be like the happy, where it's kind of like, okay, it's just something that's happening right now, yeah, but Mercy is that state of being, it's that state of mind it's. It's something that you can be in all the time. So, no matter what happens to you, from whoever it is, you're always in that state of mercy that you can just give forgiveness freely, no questions asked, and it's just a state of being. So like when I was saying before that this is this, the attitude is more about the way we conduct ourselves now as Christians as opposed to our Developing our relationship with the Lord. So now being in that state of mercy is like living in that state of mind.

Speaker 3:

So, with that mercy, being in that state of mind, it is about having that being in that state of love. You know the Lord taught us, you know love your neighbors like you love yourself, and so this is all about love. It's about living in a way that the Lord taught us to. I mean the Lord John 316 we're God's, we love the world that he sent his only son. Well, this is that same Concept. It's having that love for others so you can show them mercy and forgiveness. But what is love? So to better understand love, we need to go to the most famous love passage in the Bible.

Speaker 3:

Corinthians yes, first, corinthians 13, 4 through 7, and this reads Love is patient and kind. Love does not envy or boast, it is not arrogant or rude, it does not insist on its own way, it is not irritable or resentful, it does not rejoice that wrongdoing, that rejoices with love, or but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and does all things. So from this, this is the best General outline of love that we have in the Bible, at least all in one spot. So not only this does this tell us what love is, it also tells us what love isn't, so it kind of uses both sides of the coin to help you understand this it does so Love is patient and kind yes, it is

Speaker 3:

it bears all, believes all, hopes all and enders all. It does not envy or boast, and it calls us to resist being arrogant, rude, selfish, irritable or resentful. So this is something that I think we all need to Like. This is one of the passages that I think we all need to memorize, those Christians, because there is so much, so much use in these verses, because, even now, the reason we are even talking about them now is because we need to keep what I just read there, all these attributes of love. We need to keep those at the forefront of our mind when we're in that state of mercy.

Speaker 3:

When we are in and in Situation where we need to show mercy, we need to have these attributes of love in the forefront of our mind so that we know how to act. So when somebody does offend us, somebody does Does us wrong in some way, shape or another, somebody cuts us off in traffic, or there's millions of different situations that we could talk about, but whenever you are in that situation, you need to have that mindset that you need to be merciful, you need to be living in a state of mercy and While living in that state of mercy, it's all based on love, and so that's where you need to make sure you know that you need to be patient and kind and bear all and believe all and hope all and endure all and Don't envy or boast or be arrogant, rude, selfish, irritable or resentful. Hmm.

Speaker 3:

So these are all the things that we need to keep in mind when we are talking about mercy. I mean, this is all coming from one word mercy. I know right and this is all the things that it is actually calling us to do, but this is like all the other beatitudes that we've covered. What you see on the surface is just on the surface, yeah it's okay, so much deeper. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And that's what this is about as well. I mean, this isn't any different than any other, any of the other ones. Oh, I think I'm talking too fast, am I?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. You got about four minutes left, so You're out hitting it on time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cuz we didn't talk to him in the beginning. I know right. So why hold on? Let me get something to drink oh. Your turn to talk, oh.

Speaker 1:

I don't do much talking, except for at the very beginning. This is where I say, hey, that's a really nice cup.

Speaker 3:

And then I have to reply. Thank you as a gift, yeah. Yeah pure, you got faith is. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's alright.

Speaker 3:

It's pure AI age living age living.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hmm, that's okay. Well, it keeps your drink cold or hot, you're fine. I Do most of the time.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's good, all right. So why should we even worry about being merciful so well, the most obvious reason is because we see this here in the beatitudes Jesus is talking about in the beatitudes. As I've often said, the beatitudes are the Christian core values, and so it is part of our core values as Christians to be merciful. But if you need more reason than that, then we could actually go a lot different places. But first it's talk about Matthew 6, 14 and 15. Okay, which? These are the two verses at the end of the, the Lord's Prayer and Matthew, and We'll probably be covering that about eight years. Oh, that's really not too far away. We're on One chapter, five now, right, yeah, so what chapter is that? In chapter six, we'll be there in three years. So yes, matthew 6, 14 through 15 reads for if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses. So that's kind of Stumbling over itself. Yeah, yeah it does.

Speaker 3:

Basically, what that means is that in order to receive forgiveness, you need to give forgiveness and not just say forgiveness.

Speaker 1:

See that, that's the other thing. Like you can say, oh, I forgive that person. You can say those words, but if it's not on your heart, if you're not truly, sincerely forgiving of what it is, it's, it's not forgiven by the father.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and whenever we do get to this, I have a good this which we have kind of covered in some of our we have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we've had. We've had some instances. We've talked about it before.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're not in the video. No, you two format. So if you're watching this on YouTube, you're not going to find that in a video form. But if you go to any podcast app, you can go back to or just go to purefaithpodcastcom and you can go to Some of our older episodes and I think there is one. I think we did a whole series of forgiveness or something along the lines.

Speaker 1:

I think we did something. I know that we talked about it quite a bit and I can't remember. I just remembered your story from being deployed.

Speaker 3:

I think the title of the episodes are actually the Lord's Prayer.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh yeah, we did.

Speaker 1:

I think it's like three parts and when we got to this I think that's when we talked about it, because I'm real big on that like you can say you're sorry and you can give Forgiveness, but if it's not truly in your heart, that that's where I you know, because there are certain, there are certain circumstances that you can say that I forgive you because you know that's what the Lord want me to do, it, but if you're truly not Giving forgiveness, you're only doing it because you think that's your only past to heaven, then it's like well, wait a second, let's take another look at this. So when we do get to Matthew 6th, they want to take a deeper dive into that end up again.

Speaker 3:

So we also have that in in the YouTube format. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, again, that's. That's more about you know, forgiving others so you can be forgiven. And Again, you could also take this a step further. If you're living in a state of giving mercy or you're living in a state of Mercyfulness, that's right, we're gonna go with it. Sure, then in order to get mercy from the Lord, you need to give mercy to. And then we also see this in the parable of the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18, 23 to 35.

Speaker 3:

That's way too much read. I'm not gonna read that. Okay, but the basic overview of this parable is that there is a servant who owes the master, the king I forget the actual title and the actual story. I won't think it was a king, I don't think nothing was a master, I don't know one or the other. But he, the servant, owed a lot of money, like a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of money to the master. And but in this master was like hey, we need to settle this debt, I need you to pay me back. And the servants like begging, like no, I can't do this. Blah, blah, blah. Well, the master forgives the servant for this entire day.

Speaker 3:

All right, you know what, don't even worry about it, I don't need that money back. I wipe your debt clean. You are no longer dead enemy. Well then that servant goes out and finds another servant who owes him, like Pocket change and. But the other servants like I don't have it on me right now, give me a little bit, I'll go get it. And I'll get it to you. And the first servants like no, I need it now. If you don't get it right now, I'm gonna beat you up and what, throw you in jail, and that's what he does.

Speaker 3:

So even though he was forgiven this ginormous debt. He won't forgive this other servant. That it was him I Change. So yes, you need to. The whole point of that parable is you need to? No?

Speaker 1:

matter how well too, and no matter how big or how little you really need to take a deep dive on.

Speaker 3:

You know, if you've received forgiveness, then yeah, I guess to take that parable to the end because I didn't finish it. The master came back and took that. First servant was like you.

Speaker 1:

You put him in jail too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, in jail. Yeah you're ungrateful servant. I forgive you this that you won't forgive him. So now I want to Recall that debt. And what do you? Do Mm-hmm yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, in order to receive forgiveness, you need to give forgiveness, correct? So To finish up this verse, they shall receive mercy. This is just simply. Well, like we've been talked about, in order to Get mercy, you need to give mercy. In order to get for giving forgiveness, you need to get forgiveness. It's Just the way it is. It is so. You need to live in that state of being merciful. Like we said, it's kind of like a state of joy, mm-hmm, a state of mind. But if you can find that state of mind, if you can live in that state of mind, then it just makes life easier now because Morph of the line, it's just like joy.

Speaker 3:

If you have joy and you are living in the state of joy and you're also living in the state of being merciful, then it doesn't matter what happens. You're just gonna brush it off, knowing that you are going to have God's eternal promise right and Life's good life's good yeah. Take a lick and keep on ticking.

Speaker 1:

All right, well with that. We thank you. No, we thank you for joining us. Please leave a comment on this video or go to our contact page on purefaithlivingcom to send us a message. And, as always, if you like what you hear, then we ask that you share the show with others so we can all work together and Spray in the good news of Jesus Christ. Don't forget to subscribe, and we will talk to you again next time.

Speaker 3:

Have a blessed day everybody.

Speaker 1:

Thank, you See ya.