Pure Faith: A Bible Discussion Podcast

From Life Skills Lapses to Lessons of Liberation

Mitchell Heitkamp and Michele Waymire Episode 145

Ever found yourself questioning the practicality of life skills in modern society, or perhaps musing over the spiritual dilemmas faced by biblical figures? That's where Mitchell and I, Michele, come in - guiding you through a blend of whimsical musings and soul-stirring conversations on the Pure Faith Podcast. Let's chuckle together over the peculiarities of TV ads and the mystery behind colors, all while exchanging tales of family life, from meal prep fails to graduation celebrations. We also lament the lost art of life skills among today's youth, sharing anecdotes of muddy misadventures and the undervalued craft of vehicle upkeep.

Prepare your heart for an inspiring detour into the past, as we revisit Moses's profound choice to leave behind Egyptian luxury for a destiny with his people. His leap of faith, fraught with identity struggles and the search for spiritual fulfillment, sets the stage for a timeless lesson on values. Then, we leap ahead to the momentous demand for freedom, "let my people go," which forever altered the course of history for Moses and the Israelites. Join us in this enriching episode; share your thoughts, reach out, and spread hope and faith. Remember, our family banter and biblical insights await your eager ears, so be sure to subscribe for the next installment of heartfelt dialogue and a dose of good news.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Pure Faith Podcast, a podcast where we discuss all things Bible. I am your co-host, michelle, and this is my silly brother, mitchell, and he's your host, and we ask that you like this video, subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't forget to hit the notification icons to be notified when new episodes are released. I was going to talk really fast like that one commercial, and then just have you move my lips and see if people could keep up. You don't watch TV, never mind, you're fine. How are you.

Speaker 1:

Confused right now. Well, mine's like a darker blue, I would say it's more like a gray. It's supposed to darker blue. I would say it's more like a gray.

Speaker 2:

It's supposed to be blue.

Speaker 1:

Okay, how's life been treating you? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while. Ooh, I did see you the other day, though, because you picked up those meal prep.

Speaker 2:

I did.

Speaker 1:

Hey, how'd that go?

Speaker 2:

I ate them.

Speaker 1:

Is that all you have to say about that? So we're doing a protein meal prep? Yeah, and I made meal preps and Mitchell came and picked them up and we're just testing out some recipes. Yeah, it wasn't bad, it needed some sauce.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was a little dry.

Speaker 1:

There you go. I told you it was going to need some sauce.

Speaker 2:

Other than that it was good. I mean it just fried veggies and chicken on rice.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's the stuff you can get anywhere. Yeah, I haven't done the other recipe yet. I'm kind of running out of time. We got a big event coming up this weekend but it's not this weekend to you people, but it's this weekend to us and we have Daniel's graduation from high school party and Olivia and Owen's going away party. They are moving to Utah. They are hitting the road. They are hitting the road. Yes, so we'll have a party and then they'll get up the next morning and they will travel Become.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Well, let's just, let's just not. This has been a very, this has been a very big topic. Oh my gosh, don told me, oh, and he just think you have more than one wife. Once you get out there, oh my God, what are you doing? Oh my gosh. So, yeah, well, they will be fine, they will be just fine. We're excited for them. You know, I keep telling her it's a five-year plan, so I think she also is agreeing that it'll be a five-year plan. So, but we'll see what happens. Exciting times, okay, yeah, yeah, it doesn't really affect me any.

Speaker 1:

No, it really doesn't, except for you're supposed to make her a prayer board, and I don't know if you've made one yet, and if you haven't, then I think mom's sending hers and then you have to replace moms. Do you know anything about the prayer board?

Speaker 2:

There may have been a comment made.

Speaker 1:

And nothing's been done with it.

Speaker 2:

I got a lot of other projects.

Speaker 1:

I know you do, I know you do Believe me.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I'm going to take somebody else's and I'll make them another one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that'll be what the plan is too, but I'm afraid she takes mine. I'll never get one, so I'm just going to have her take mine. Mine's like in the kitchen.

Speaker 2:

You know three or four of them that I need to make, four of them that I need to make.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't remember where you.

Speaker 2:

Because I think Clayton and Ashley I need to make one for Clayton and Ashley. I know them for sure.

Speaker 1:

I don't know who else I think there's a few of them that I had to make Did you make one for Noah and Elliot?

Speaker 2:

I think so. I don't know. You're still in Ask.

Speaker 1:

Kim. Yeah, that's the first thing we talk about.

Speaker 2:

Well, it should be.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's not so sorry about your luck. Alright, what are we doing? Look, I got dirt everywhere like I was working.

Speaker 2:

I should have put up the picture of my boys from.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, how are your mud pies? Because I'm going to say there were a lot of them being made. They were a mess.

Speaker 2:

I pulled into the house I had. I was going from military.

Speaker 1:

Did you see the pictures of before you got to the house, or was this a complete surprise?

Speaker 2:

I think page sent them like shortly after I left. So I kind of got a glance at them, but I was driving. So I kind of got a glance at them, but I was driving, so I didn't actually see them. And I get home and yeah, like they were just Covered. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Head to toe in mud.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

In their underwear.

Speaker 2:

It kind of reminded me of Rambo. When Rambo just kind of reminded me of Rambo, when Rambo just kind of you see the image and all of a sudden you just see eyes, and mud and it's Rambo and he jumps out.

Speaker 1:

I know exactly what scene you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's kind of what they look like.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

They were playing that, Like I think that was I don't know. I love it and they're on their underwear yeah so just spray them down when they're done.

Speaker 1:

But you know what? That's some of the things that kids don't get to enjoy doing these days and you know, I wish that my kids played more in the mud. Um, you know, daniel has made comments that he wishes that he would be more um savvy with, like I don't know, changing a tire, changing a windshield wiper, changing a headlight, because you, you just don't do these things. Either you go and get it done or you just have somebody do it when they have time and the kid doesn't learn how to do it.

Speaker 2:

And, you know, Tell them to come out to the house because currently I am rebuilding the engine on our tiller and our small tiller and our big tiller. It was broken and since the small one went out, I was like I better get this one running. So I got it running and it ran for like 10 seconds and blew up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

Literally it seized up, broke all the innards in the engine. I'm like I'm not going to fix this, so we ended up going out and buying another engine.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God, I swapped those engines out.

Speaker 2:

I'm waiting on some parts to come in so I can get that one running. Yeah, so I got plenty of stuff that I can he's made um, he's made comments that he should go out to the barn to get some, some additional hands-on experience you guys are out there another project I got is we didn't drain the hot tub properly last winter and busted out everything in the hot tub, so I got all the stuff to rebuild the inside of our hot tub.

Speaker 1:

This is why the prayer boards aren't going to get done.

Speaker 2:

Exactly so. You better ship yours off to Utah, because maybe you'll have one for Christmas.

Speaker 1:

You guys have. You do. You and Matt. You both have a lot going on, so but I'll send Daniel out there.

Speaker 2:

I can also teach him building construction, because we have a chicken house that needs siding put on it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, he would do that. See, there's all kinds of projects. Just think he'll be free every morning. This summer there's no more football. He graduates so Okay, anyways. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

We're ready to get into this.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know where we left off. It's been so long.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because we didn't do anything last week. No, but yeah, so we are in.

Speaker 1:

Are you prepared?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Are you?

Speaker 2:

See all these little. You have a little post-it notes. I do see these. Those are all notes.

Speaker 1:

Okay. I just didn't have any notes, that's okay. As long as you've got notes, I'll sit and listen. So yeah, so in our last episode, we are in Hebrews.

Speaker 2:

We're going to be in Hebrews for a while yet.

Speaker 1:

Got you.

Speaker 2:

Hebrews 11.23 is what we covered last week or in our last episode. Yep, um, we're going to go. I'm going to read hebrews 11, 24 through 26. I don't know if we'll get through all that kind of depends on how big of a tangent I go on but that's where we're going to try to get through wait, what did you say we're doing? Hebrews 11, 24-26. Okay, you ready for me to read?

Speaker 1:

Yep, I'm ready.

Speaker 2:

This reads by faith, moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. He considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he was and this does go on still talking about Moses, but, like I said, there's a lot about Moses here in this section. In our last episode we talked about Moses' parents and what they went through, the situation they were in as far as you know, the situation they were in when they decided to bring a child into the world, the decisions that would be made upon that child's birth, and just all the decisions that they had to go through and how it really worked out in the end they had to go through and now and how it really worked out in the end I mean, yes, it really did.

Speaker 2:

They basically chose to ignore the king's edict to kill Moses. And basically Go back and watch the last episode. You'll see all that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So now, at the beginning of 24, that's why it's talking about, by faith, moses when he was growing up. So now last week we're talking about when he was an infant, the decisions that his parents made. But now we are jumping forward to Moses' adult life, the decisions that he was making, and not so much the decisions that his parents were making. And the biggest decision that Moses made was that he basically chose to walk away from a life of privilege. Away from a life of privilege because, as we kind of talked about last week, you know, whenever Moses and parents, you know, put him in the basket, put him in the river, he was found by the daughter of Pharaoh. So she adopted him, she took him in Moses, you know, she's the one that gave him the name Moses. So Moses was the adopted son of the daughter of Pharaoh. That put him in a very high position as far as status goes. He may not have had much authority per se, but he was known. But he was still the son of the daughter of Pharaoh.

Speaker 2:

So he was Pharaoh's grandson.

Speaker 2:

Adopted grandson but still grandson. So that had to have came with a lot of privileges. Obviously, there's probably a lot of financial comfort that came with that position Pretty much anything that he wanted he probably could have had, and this position is a good example in the decision that he ends up making. This is all kind of a good example of, you know, a position that we all can find ourselves in every day. Now, granted, we don't have, you know we're, we don't have this unlimited budget. That's great, you know, we can have whatever we want whenever we want it, but we still are faced with the decision of uh, the world or God. And that is the decision that that Moses found himself in because it, like it says in verse 25, choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. So Moses chose, like, like we just talked about, he was in a very, very nice position in life, but it was worldly.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Therefore that's where they're making the correlation that it would be the pleasures of sin. His position, turning his back on the Hebrew nation, turning his back on a lot of things and accepting his life as the grandson of Pharaoh and living his life extravagantly because of that position, that would have been a life of sin. He would have been choosing the world over God and he could have done that. And if he would have done that, then God would have found somebody else to build the rule of Moses. But Moses made that choice. He chose to walk away from wealth comfort privilege, from wealth comfort privilege, and instead he chose to join his people, the Hebrew people. He chose a life of servanthood.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And that couldn't have been an easy decision.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm sure it wasn't. And if you actually read the story of Moses, he almost becomes a man without a nation, because obviously Moses knew that he was not Egyptian. He looked different.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, he just knew that he was not an Egyptian. He knew he was adopted. Knew that he was not an Egyptian, he knew he was adopted. He knew he was Hebrew. So the story of Moses.

Speaker 2:

he went out one day and he was checking out his Hebrew nation you know, his fellow Hebrews and he seen an Egyptian soldier beating up a hebrew and so he ends up killing this egyptian and burying him. Next day he goes back out and he sees two hebrews fighting each other and he's like why are you guys fighting? And the one is like well, what are you going to kill me? Like you killed the Egyptian. And so that kind of put it in his mind like okay, everybody knows what I did.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So, but if you're looking at it from his point of view, he is really alienated. I mean, he was accepted as the Egyptians because he was the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter, but whenever he killed that Egyptian well now Pharaoh wanted him dead, right Well now, pharaoh wanted him dead. Right. But he couldn't go to the Hebrews because the Hebrews viewed him as Egyptian Right Like, even though he was.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, yes, he was obviously a Hebrew.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

He was adopted as a baby into you know, he was adopted as a baby.

Speaker 1:

And they knew the lifestyle he grew up in.

Speaker 2:

But they still didn't like him. We're presuming they still didn't like him because of his position, of his status. So he was really kind of in a hard spot and he couldn't go to the Hebrews fors for protection because pharaoh was trying to kill him. He couldn't go back to pharaoh because he killed the egyptian man. So he was really a man with no nation, no, no safety, and so he did the one thing he could and he fled. And we'll get into that more a few verses down.

Speaker 2:

But the thing that we really need to focus on here and as we get into verse 26, he considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt for his looking to the reward. Greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he is looking to the reward. So this reproach, this basically just means that Moses felt, or chose that living a life under Christ, even though you know, in the eyes, eyes of christ, he's going to disappoint christ, he's going to be a failure. I mean, he was a human, human, naturally sinful. Yep, you know, let's be honest here. We break god's heart daily as a human race and the human race, and moses knew that if he chose the way of god he was going to disappoint god? Yeah, but that disappointing god was a bigger reward than being the most highly exalted person in the Pharaoh's eyes. Yeah, so, instead of ignoring God and taking this life of wealth, of sin, of pleasure even though he would have had anything and everything he wanted in life, he still wouldn't have had that relationship with God.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And that's ultimately what brings us true happiness.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So he walked away from the wealth and everything else and he chose, he made the choice to choose God. And that's the situation that we have to look at in our daily lives. And that's the situation that we have to look at in our daily lives. There is so much of the world around us and you know, we are called to. Yes, we're going to be living in the world, but we are to be called out of the world. We are not to be of the world. And it would be so easy we're surrounded by the world to choose that life, to choose a life of sin, to take what may seem like an easy road at the time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Even though that easy road is going to lead to destruction, mm-hmm, and we see this kind of stuff all the time, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah. So it is up to us to make the choice Right, choose God Right In this. This isn't a a light choice, it's not. You can't just say, oh, I choose God Right this these times, and it's not just the rest of the world Right, and you can't just do it one day either.

Speaker 1:

It's like an every day, every day.

Speaker 2:

Every hour Of every day. So it's either all God, yep, or it's. If one thing you choose worldly, you're choosing the world. So you need to go all in on God, mm-hmm, and it's hard.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

And we will fail, we will sin, we will fall away, but that was the reason Jesus came.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It was through the death on the cross, through his burial and resurrection, that we have access to take our sins to the throne of grace, to ask for forgiveness and basically reestablish that connection with God. So, yes, we will fail, we will fall away, but that doesn't mean we are turning our backs on God. We need to go to God and ask for forgiveness.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, going back to this whole choice, that's what this whole portion is about is about this choice, and I can't emphasize that enough because, like I said, now, let's remember who this is written to. This is we don't know who wrote this. You know, we've discussed that before. We don't know who wrote this. You know, we've discussed that before. We don't know who actually wrote Hebrews. Right, a lot of scholars say it is a sermon, a written out sermon to the Hebrew people. But what we need to focus on or view, especially for who this is written to, the Hebrews.

Speaker 2:

Well, what position were the Hebrews in at the time that this was written? When this was given to the Hebrews, what position were they in? They were faced with that same decision. This was shortly after Jesus. They a lot of them were were Jewish, um, but they had to make the decision Do I go all in for Christ or do I choose the world? So they were. From then to now, the decision has been in front of all of us and, yes, you may be choosing the world now, that doesn't mean you can't choose God.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

From this day forward, you can still choose God. But yeah, am I beating a dead horse? Probably Um.

Speaker 1:

I just want to say I choose God. Mitchell has said it multiple times, I think let me just give you a hug.

Speaker 2:

Oh, let me guess, now you're going to ask me to edit that out, oh shoot.

Speaker 1:

Um no, but you have to think about, like how big of a decision that was for him. Yeah, I mean, life was you. You want to say life was simple because he had everything, and then he goes to you know. Of course you think following god is a simple process, but it's so complicated at times too, and and especially if you don't know where you belong. A lot of people these days they don't know where they belong. You can always find comfort in Christ.

Speaker 2:

Yes, um, we're going to continue on to verse 27. Um 27 reads by faith, he left Egypt not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing him who is invisible, and this kind of goes with that the end of 26 um. Before he was looking to the reward and now he's looking to the one who's invisible. This is all the fact that moses. Yes, he was in a tight spot Because after he killed that Egyptian soldier, now that made the Pharaoh mad. Now the Pharaoh wanted to kill him, the other Hebrews in Egypt.

Speaker 1:

No wonder he fled.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, like we were saying before, he was almost like a man without a nation. He had to flee. But this is saying when he fled, he wasn't necessarily fleeing because he was scared of the king. It wasn't the fear of the king or the pharaoh Sorry, it wasn't the fear of the pharaoh that made him flee. He was fleeing from that lifestyle. He was fleeing from the worldly stuff and he was running to a life of Christ because he was looking forward to the reward. The reward is is heaven. He was looking forward to his eternal life afterwards. He just knew that that time wasn't now. So he had to flee till it was that time. But also he was looking towards one who was invisible, that's god yeah so he had already committed his life to Christ.

Speaker 2:

But so whenever he was fleeing, he wasn't fleeing from the fear that, oh, the Pharaoh wants to kill me, no, he was fleeing from that lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we can also say that this quote unquote was his walk of faith.

Speaker 2:

It was and the actual Story. So Exodus 2. 11 through 15. Is the actual story of Moses fleeing to Egypt or fleeing from Egypt and I actually thought maybe this might work better. I already covered all of it.

Speaker 1:

I know I don't understand why you're like oh, let me check my notes, because I made them.

Speaker 2:

I did make them See, now you made me lose my spot. I did make them see, now you made me lose my spot. I did blame me so, yes, so anyway, and then there was that, and then the next thing happened, and then it rained it rained. I'm sure it rained at some point. That's a great way to end this. And then it rained, I'm sure it rained at some point.

Speaker 1:

That's a great way to end this. Who said I was done? Oh, I don't know, I did it.

Speaker 2:

So Exodus 2, 11 through 15. At the end of that is when you see that, yes, moses fled Yep. Again he was. You have to imagine the position he was in. You know, try to put yourself in those shoes. You just walked away from everything you knew, from your family. You know not only your, your blood, family right, fellow Hebrews, you also walked away from new you know the family that raised you. Yeah, so you know the Pharaoh's daughter and everybody in that realm. You walked away from all that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And now you find yourself, and he actually found himself in was it Midian? I think it was Midian, and that's where he ended up basically meeting his father-in-law or his future father-in-law and his wife and had kids and that's where he started his life. And if you don't know the big picture of Moses, he was roughly 40 years old when he fled. So the first 40 years he spent basically as the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter, and now this next chapter of his life, the next 40 years, he will spend it as a shepherd, and then his last 40 years is when he goes back to bring the people out of Egypt. Let my people go.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, not yet Nope.

Speaker 2:

Are you sure? I'm sure You're positive, absolutely positive. Interesting thing, though, is whenever we get to that point. That's where we want to get to in our verse 28. Okay, we'll jump that whole 40 years of being a shepherd and jump straight to the let my people go part.

Speaker 1:

All right, we thank you for joining us. Please leave a comment on this video or go to our contact page at purefaithlivingcom to send us a message and, as always, if you like what you hear, then we ask that you share this show with others so we can all work together in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. Don't forget to subscribe and we will see you again next time.

Speaker 2:

Have a blessed day everybody.