Pure Faith: A Bible Discussion Podcast

Matthew 5:1-10...Part 7 - Exploring Righteousness: Hunger for More than Food

Mitchell Heitkamp and Michele Waymire Episode 105

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Remember that time you stood in line for an ice cream cone on a hot summer day, waiting patiently for your chance to savor that sweet treat? Today we take a stroll down that memory lane, as we chuckle about those long lines and grueling football camps. We also share a poignant memory of our late sister, Missy, and how a recent dream of her left Michele filled with positivity. 

Ever experienced a hunger and thirst that wasn't about food or drink? We tread on this deeper ground as we draw from the Biblical story of Jesus's temptation in the wilderness, and ponder on the real essence of righteousness. From the beatitudes to God’s righteousness, we invite you to journey with us, as we push the envelope on what it means to have a profound relationship with the Lord.

We end this episode on a high note, reflecting on the joy and good news of Jesus Christ. While the world around us focuses on nurturing the body, we challenge you to consider feeding your mind and your soul. Remember Jesus' powerful words, "Man shall not live by bread alone," and join us as we explore new perspectives on righteousness. So, listen in, share the joy, and don’t forget to subscribe!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Pure Faith Podcast, a podcast where we discuss all things Bible. I am your host, michelle Waymeyer, and this is my brother, mitchell hi camp.

Speaker 2:

Hi, how are you?

Speaker 1:

We ask that you like this video, subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't forget to hit the notification icon to be notified when new episodes are released. We both have blue on tonight.

Speaker 2:

We do. I didn't even notice, but I guess it's true.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we both have blue on. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I have a formal complaint.

Speaker 1:

Oh, all right, let's hear it.

Speaker 2:

So I had to work a little bit late tonight.

Speaker 1:

You did. I was here before you.

Speaker 2:

And I only have like 10 minutes to get down here.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I want to go to Alice's to get oh yeah, my ice cream and there was like 15 people standing there in line getting ice cream.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then there were two cars in the drive-through Okay. So I had to do a drive-by and not, if I could drive, I just Bye Alice's and I was like I don't have time for this, and so I couldn't get any ice cream.

Speaker 1:

So I went to Alice's today. You didn't get me anything Okay.

Speaker 1:

So football camp has begun, not practice camps, and we had received a message this afternoon that they weren't going to. Even they had a Monday through Thursday this week and they have weights on Friday. And the coach sent a message and said you guys had a great week. You know, no weights tomorrow morning, they have the day off. So, dan, you want ice cream and he's like what? You want some ice cream. The thing is, you know he needs to put calories in his body. He's burning so many calories, but he hates all that sugar and I'm just like I'll buy you ice cream.

Speaker 1:

So I went to Alice's and when I was at Alice's, she's like so your brother was in here yesterday. I'm like, yeah, I said I saw him go by. I figured he was going there. Matt went by on his truck yesterday afternoon. I figured he was going to Alice's. She's like and I saw your nephew. He comes in and gets a cyclone with double M&Ms. I'm like yeah, that's probably Caleb. I said you're probably not here on Thursdays when my other brother comes through to get his milkshake done, are you? She's like nope, can't say that I am.

Speaker 2:

No, she's the good one. I think it's some high school girls that are at the food, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think they come in about 2.30 or so. I think that's after the lunch rush. I think is when those girls come in and she leaves.

Speaker 2:

There is definitely a rush this evening, late afternoon.

Speaker 1:

I am so sorry you didn't get your ice cream. I didn't get any ice cream because I don't eat ice cream, but I did get Daniel a milkshake. Well, I believe me, I wanted ice cream.

Speaker 2:

really bad, but then I got it. I get ice cream at home. I just go home and eat ice cream.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think Daniel thought I was going to make a homemade milkshake. I'm like I don't keep ice cream in the house. I'm like no. We do, do you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not all the time, but.

Speaker 1:

I woke up this morning in a very pleasant mood.

Speaker 2:

That's good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's not every morning that that happens. Actually, it's not hardly any morning that that happens, yeah, so last night was the first night in, I guess, four years I've had a dream and Missy has appeared in it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Not only did she appear in this, the hug that she gave me felt so real. Good, it was amazing. It was amazing. And actually I woke up before my alarm. I woke up at five and I'm like, oh my gosh, that felt so real. And then, of course, I couldn't go back to sleep. But what a great morning. I mean, it just put me in a fantastic mood all day today. Because that never happens. It never happens to me. I rarely have dreams that I can remember, let alone have Missy in it, or dad or anybody.

Speaker 2:

I had dreams about Uncle Ralph not too long ago.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was like what's this flooring that he really likes? I'm like, ok, I woke up to a page like, hey, uncle Ralph did my dream really like this certain type of flooring, but it was weird because dad wasn't in that. I'm like why was dad?

Speaker 1:

not in here? Why would Ralph be telling you that, not dad? Well, that was done construction. I know, I know, but yeah, I just you know. And people talk about like Don dreams a lot. He's always telling me about his dreams, but I just don't, I don't dream a lot, I mean, I don't remember my dreams. I should say so my dream. Last night I told a page about it this morning, I bet she loves waking up to hear about your dreams.

Speaker 2:

Only told her one part of it, I tell her all of it. But the part that was funny was so we were on our way to vacation and we stopped somewhere on the way because they had this boat tour out to something that we wanted to go see. I don't even know where we were going, but for some reason I was the onboard entertainment, so I had a guitar, I was playing guitar, I was singing, I don't know why. I don't know how to play guitar and you don't sing roll.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a good singer, but I was the onboard entertainment for this, this book that's hilarious Page.

Speaker 1:

May not have found it as comical as what maybe.

Speaker 2:

I did Page, pages, page.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I know I know how much you love her. She's she definitely is page Don told me about history, but I will not repeat it. It was. I was like what goes on in your head.

Speaker 2:

A lot of my dreams lately have been a Lot of work related stuff. Because that's well, because that's in your head, because you're. You change jobs, so you've got a lot of new information in your head, probably so I've been doing a lot of studying and learning there and and almost all my dreams are some, at some point, some level of Machining going on.

Speaker 1:

So oh my gosh, that's so funny. No, but that was my dream and I was very, very happy. I mean, it was the short hair, it was the smile I mean and she had are you yawning? But she had, like I said, and she had, I mean it was before she got sick. I mean, she just looked. I mean I always vividly remember a time we were at Mom and dad's house and this is when they were still on Versailles, yorkshire Road and she came in one day and I don't know why this, this day in particular, is always a good memory of mine, but she came in that day and I know her and chipper going golfing.

Speaker 1:

She had on like a Nike hat and or no, I'm sorry she had like a Nike tank and she had like a little golf skirt on and she had her short hair and I just, I mean that day, just I always remember coming in that day and I don't know why, and it's kind of like that's how she was in my dream and I was so, so excited to see her. So, yeah, good, yeah, I guess I needed a hug.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know right.

Speaker 2:

I haven't been going missing a while.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, but yeah, it was, it was good. I like I said dad's not popped up yet, but you know I Dad's with me every day of the week as we're watching the reds, either cursing them or cheering them on. So that's what I say. Oh, actually, I saw that I went to order a shirt because we're gonna go to a reds game. And I went to order a shirt, or Don, and I said, look at this, like on the website they had like really nice Cut off Cincinnati red shirts. Instead of him cutting the arms off all the shirts, we actually could have gotten him a cut off shirt. That was.

Speaker 2:

Maybe he's the one that made them Stylish maybe is they were really neat too.

Speaker 1:

I was like I said don look. I said dad really would look really good in this shirt. He's like no, that's, it's black. He always had gray he always had his gray shirt on. He's like no, it's black. He went to like to that so but you know, to work for special occasion. I'm sure he would have so, but I'm gonna dress your cut off.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it would have been. Yeah, he would have worn a church. Oh, and his sandals. Now would you please cover your toes? Yeah, oh, he's a nasty looking feet, let me tell you. But he worked hard, all was live, right. That's how we're gonna say it. I will make fun of you. Yours are pretty nasty too. Thanks for covering yours. Oh, oh, my goodness, all right, so sorry. I I thought it was. It was fun to mention that. I also was gonna mention that you must be really busy. Um, I noticed that when when's drill again, your beard is getting really bushy like. So when Is drill again? When is this getting shaped?

Speaker 2:

Oh, well, that actually brings up a point. Um, we should talk about so. Next week You're going to. We're not gonna be recording next week, okay, we'll be on vacation, yeah, so Uh, next week you guys will be seeing my so Long story short. We talked about how I've had to do. I was in charge of Sunday services for for two weeks, so you're gonna be seeing that first week next week and Then we'll be back here. We'll have another Bible study the following week.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and then, like the week of Olivia's, and then the week after that, I'll be, I'll be. Okay so you were playing the second.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's not until then.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, my, anyhow. So. So we're gonna, you're gonna, play that first one and then we'll come back for another episode for by us, and then, um, we'll do another, your second sermon that you are message, or I don't?

Speaker 2:

know what you call it. You're gonna do the two sermons back to back, and then I can hold that first Bible study a little bit after so.

Speaker 1:

I think you probably should do that, like we'll still report it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but I always say, do your two back to back, and then that week that we know we're not going to be here, then when you can play the recording of our Bible study, and then we can just pick up from there. I think it'd be better, because I've heard the first one, um, and I know you're given the other one here in a couple of days, so I'll hear the second one. So I really think you should probably do those back to back. So we'll just do it that way and but we'll still come in here and do our Our recording then really set the next week, so when we actually aren't gonna be around, okay, Now you know what we're doing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we figured it all out.

Speaker 2:

So I was just thinking if it was gonna be weird if I'm gonna not have a beard and then have a beard, but now it should all be. I mean, you could just shave tomorrow and then you wouldn't have to worry about Like the pettit oh.

Speaker 1:

My goodness, no, told me, he doesn't miss his beard, it's just way too hot. I said, well, your mustache looks terrible. But he did send me a picture of a year ago when he had his nice full blonde, red colored beard beard, which reminds me too like. So Zeke's eyelashes are like pure white, aren't they?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I noticed that the other day. Like no was what? Have always been White like yours? Yeah, but it's just like you three have. Like you would think you have like no eyelashes cuz they're so blonde during the summer?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but really bleach out. Zeke's really bleached, I mean. He came over a couple weeks ago and I like, good golly your eyelashes. They're so long, but they're just white. So that's how Noah's always poor too. They're both fair skinned, blonde, blonde hair. He'll always be blonde, and Zeke will probably Kind of like you when you had hair.

Speaker 2:

When I had hair yeah. It would really bleach out during summertime.

Speaker 1:

Megan makes me look. Wow, everybody believe you gotta keep coloring it cuz what if I? What if I didn't do it? Then people like, oh why she has like a lot for Naturally blonde. I'm a dirty blonde. Yeah, that's what I like to say.

Speaker 2:

Okay yeah but over. You want to say that's why I'm rolling your story. You stick to it.

Speaker 1:

That's right. Can you tell that we have nobody here Like we're really everybody's?

Speaker 2:

on vacation.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's on vacation, so it just me and you here tonight. So I'm totally off topic. Yeah, I don't have a whole lot of notes for Versaix, so well, that's good, cuz I really would hate to fall asleep during this one, cuz there's nobody here to entertain me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hello, we fly, didn't I?

Speaker 2:

not tell you about my dream.

Speaker 1:

I am the entertainment and you yon during my story.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's cuz, you're not the entertainment.

Speaker 1:

Shoot. All right, let's, let's do this. I got oh, I set my timer. You only got 18 minutes left.

Speaker 2:

That's fine good. We might even end early.

Speaker 1:

That's good, because I got dinner to eat. I got Alice's to get oh yeah, you gotta be there before they close.

Speaker 2:

Home any ice cream but.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry you're taking the noodles.

Speaker 2:

I know I'm gonna be that Probably all of it.

Speaker 1:

Are you that's a lot of chicken? Yeah, that's fine. Okay, well, good, that guy's gonna eat, especially corpse Carbinshure, alright called the roly-poly diet you do that's gonna make me really pull. I just made it up you make up a lot of stuff.

Speaker 2:

That part is I make up, stop and then you think it's a good idea. Well, like I'll think of something that's funny, and then nobody. I completely Forget it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's like a one-time thing, like I'll never tell that joke ever again, cuz I.

Speaker 1:

I forget it, I don't remember it. That's it. That's a sign of old age.

Speaker 2:

No, that's a sign I have a lot of jokes Remember.

Speaker 1:

Okay all right. Let's do those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Speaker 2:

Are you telling me to quit I?

Speaker 1:

Want to go home, okay so it starts raining, you're gonna have to drive me home, I suppose.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we need to hurry up, let's go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, let's go.

Speaker 2:

So again, let's start. Macarius, the link right there. Oh go look that up. Yeah, oh, okay, we got a leak in case you didn't look it up last week and you're still confused and you haven't listened or watched our last I don't know 10 episodes. Yeah, so hunger and thirst, so Hungry and thirsty for righteousness. I should say I haven't actually gone through my notes. It's like a normally do this does not surprise me, so I got. I have busy.

Speaker 1:

I know you have busy today, you told me.

Speaker 2:

So Whenever we we see hungry and thirsty, our thoughts are what everybody thinks. You know, you think of being hungry and thirsty, you think of food, you think of water or something to drink Mm-hmm, something to replenish replenish or to To satisfy that hunger, yep, or whatever, that feeling you have in your, in your stomach, and a little about the time it's mental. So that's what we think about. But as we have seen going through these beatitudes, as we have seen going through Pretty much all of our Bible studying, that, we do that.

Speaker 1:

Everything. I think that storm. I think it's thundering a light.

Speaker 2:

Most sounds like hail it's supposed to hail. I hope, like it dents my car.

Speaker 1:

Don't say that. The new car anyways okay, but listen, um, I am right with you here. So everything that, everything that we have gone through, what I think, because when I, when I read it and I think, and I'm like, huh, the hunger and thirst for righteousness, and you're always like, you always tell me what, what it truly means, and I'm always dumbfounded by it, like, oh my gosh, never have I thought of it that way because this isn't talking about the feeling of hunger or the feeling or desire for thirst.

Speaker 1:

Let me fall off my chair. I had no idea.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, but if you, but if you fall down, you're not gonna touch the camera anymore.

Speaker 1:

Need a whole thing record.

Speaker 2:

This hello we're recording point point of view for Facebook, whatever. Hold on, oh my wallet. No, they talked about it anyways. This isn't the hunger and thirst, this isn't the feeling of hunger and thirst. Okay, but Jesus is talking about this. This idea of hunger and thirst, it, like I was saying, in most of what we studied, almost everything that we see as a deeper meaning, yes, and that surface idea of that feeling of hunger and thirst which I am feeling right now, I know I'm hungry.

Speaker 2:

It's. It's filming pretty good. We might lose electric during this, but things just get black. We're okay. It's okay, we're in church. This is the one to keep recording, because it's not plugged into anything. Everything's run off the computer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is right. So we keep talking. We'll keep talking in the dark and you'll have that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's a lot of my face like this.

Speaker 1:

You're beard.

Speaker 2:

I can't help you lose electric now. I think it'd be funny. Anyways, this one is Whatever. I'm not even through number one yet, okay guys. Um, so yes, this isn't the feeling of hunger at Thursday. I think I've said that.

Speaker 2:

Four times Okay okay, so We've talked about this before. So if we, if you go back and I'll put a link to this too whenever we covered Matthew 4-4, where Jesus said that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Now if you go to that link, if you go back and rewatch that video that we did on that particular verse, there we go a lot deeper, because then we go back to the Old Testament and Tie that back to Matthew 4 and everything that. We're not doing that here, but Hopefully you guys heard that that's like some good thunder going is good thunder but For what we're talking about now with Matthew 4-4.

Speaker 2:

just a brief overview of what that means is this wasn't about that feeling of hunger and thirst, because remember, in Matthew 4-4, that's when Jesus was out in the wilderness, okay, tempted by the devil, for you know Jesus, about the 40 days, 40 nights he was hungry. He was in that full, in the full throes of a fasting for no food, and this is where the devil was tempting him and this was the temptation where the devil was trying to get Jesus to change the stone into bread In order to eat, to eat yes and Jesus, like man, does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Speaker 2:

Now, and if I tied that back to the Old Testament, we seen that what Jesus was really saying, that it was about priorities, it wasn't about the food. The number one priority in your life should not be to satisfy that feeling of hunger or that feeling of thirst. Yes, we need to eat to survive, we need to drink to survive, but that shouldn't be where our priorities lie right, that's not where our main focus should be.

Speaker 2:

Our main focus needs to be on God. Mm-hmm and we kind of discussed this whenever we were looking at the poor in spirit of living your life in a way that is focused on God.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We're where everything you do is centered on God and with all the beatitudes, we've looked into this. Whenever you know for morning, you mourn for a deeper relationship with the Lord. With meekness, it's about At showing others that love that God has shown us. So we've seen this in all of the beatitude so far, and that's what this is about, right, about having that deeper relationship, putting God first in your relationships. That's well, god first in everything no matter, right, right, right and in this case, hunger and thirst.

Speaker 2:

So that's what they're pointing at. So it's about again, the priorities, about. It's about having that, that craving for righteousness and that spiritual blessing. So I'm ready for the roof of this place.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, it's so scary in here right now.

Speaker 2:

So scary. So what is righteousness? What is righteousness? What is this righteousness that I'm talking about Because we are for this, it's blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Speaker 2:

Well, like a lot of words that I've done this quite a few times there are multiple meanings or multiple definitions or different ways of looking at a particular word, and this idea of righteousness is no different. So some of the other possible translations or different meanings that go along with righteousness or could be substituted for righteousness is deliverance, salvation or justification. Now, I say that just so I can say that I don't think any of those fit. Yeah, because I mean they actually fit with verse well, first of all in 4 and 06. They actually do fit in with verse 6, because you can hunger and thirst for deliverance.

Speaker 2:

You know, deliverance from those who are persecuting you, deliverance from whatever. You could hunger and thirst for salvation. You could hunger and thirst for justification and by justification it would be more like justice and, honestly, this is the most common translation or definition or substitution whenever it comes to righteousness, because, biblically speaking, most of the times, whenever they are talking about righteousness, it's God's righteousness and whenever they are talking about God's righteousness, they are referring to basically God's justification or justice from the Lord, or divine justice. So that is kind of what they're pointing to.

Speaker 2:

So, whenever you do see righteousness, most of the time in the Bible it is referring to this divine justice. But what is this divine justice? What is this God's righteousness? And, like I said, what I just explained is typically the way you will hear God's righteousness defined as and we even kind of seen this last week whenever we were talking about Psalm 37, if I remember correctly. Maybe, I didn't go back and look at it.

Speaker 1:

I have a paper too.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Psalm 37.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 37 through 9.

Speaker 2:

So whenever we were talking about that, that was about, you know, mainly being patient in the Lord. But because those that you may see being prosperous, even though you know they are evil or wicked, or they're rich in spirit, or you know they're not walking with the Lord the way that most Christians typically should be walking with the Lord, but yet they're prospering, they are being successful.

Speaker 2:

They are whatever. Well, in that Psalm was talking about how, basically, when the day of the Lord comes, those people are going to be wiped away and those that are meek, those that are walking with the Lord, will inherit the land. Well, that is divine justice. But my argument is or this is a revelation that the Lord gave to me last night was and I haven't had time to dive deep into this yet so this is just food for thought and something that I encourage you to look deeper into.

Speaker 2:

But what is divine justice, isn't it? You know? Again, another way of saying it is God's righteousness. Isn't it just God basically fulfilling the promises that he gave to, I would say, our ancestors, or those main biblical characters from the Old Testament? Because, if you look at every big character, the main characters, god gave promises to Adam and Eve. God gave promises to Noah and his family. God gave promises to Abraham, god gave promises to Moses, god gave promises to David. So, all through the Old Testament, god's giving promises. So, like we're just talking about Psalm 37, when those evil and wicked people are wiped away, it's not just God fulfilling a promise, he's just getting rid of that evil, that wickedness, so the good can prosper. And even if you go back in some of the big events where the Lord is destroying, I guess. But if you look at the flood again, going back to Noah, if you look at the flood where pretty much the only people that survived are Noah's family and two of each kind of animal, everything, else is wiped away.

Speaker 2:

Well, that was which. This is where I haven't done a whole lot of research, but I would venture to guess that that was a fulfillment of a promise of some sort to Adam and Eve or to Noah or to somebody, because at that time the world was full of unrighteous people, so they were not walking with the Lord. So is the Lord kind of cleansing the land and then, like Sodom and Gomorrah, again a lot of evil and wicked stuff going on, and so that's why it's often defined as divine justice, because there is judgment going on.

Speaker 2:

But again, I need to do more research and I encourage you to do the research or leave a comment let us know what you think about this whole concept. But that could also be considered a fulfillment of a promise, where at least he was clearing the way in order to fulfill a promise for somebody else. But that is typically the main view of justice or of righteousness in the Bible. But in that whole concept of righteousness does work with what we're talking about here. We can hunger and thirst for that type of divine justice, for God to come and wipe out the unjust people, the evil, the wicked and all that other stuff, but there's an issue with that. I mean, though, it works here, righteousness is actually mentioned somewhere else than the Beatitudes, and that's actually down to verse 10. And somewhere in my notes I have that, but, as you may have been noticing, I have been looking at my notes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, you haven't.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure yet Right here, but no, you've already gone through some of the other stuff already. Yeah, probably I was going to ruck.

Speaker 1:

That's where.

Speaker 2:

So in verse 10, it says bluster those who are persecuted for righteousness's sake. So that means, if you pair that with verse 6, those that hunger and thirst for righteousness. So you'd be saying you'd be, you'd hunger and thirst, you have that desire for divine justice. But then if you go down to verse 10, it says bluster those who are persecuted for righteousness's sake. So for the sake of divine justice. So they kind of contradict each other. So in verse 6, you're being blessed for desiring the divine justice, but in verse 10, you're basically being persecuted for desiring that divine justice. So it doesn't work. But, like I also just commented, made this big thing about is the fact that God's righteousness was him doing what was right in order to fill the promises of those that he made to those characters of the Old Testament. Well, this isn't talking about God's righteousness. This is talking about, well, just righteousness.

Speaker 1:

Right right.

Speaker 2:

It says bluster those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. It doesn't say it's for God's righteousness. So what is our righteousness? I mean, everything that I was talking about before is God's righteousness. So if we could flip this and look at it from let me go, we're out of time, all right, sorry, I won't keep one. So now, if we flip this and look at it from our perspective, what is our righteousness? And so, looking at it from that point of view, righteousness has two different meanings almost Because, like, we're just talking about righteousness, all that other stuff. Well, our righteousness is to do what is right in the eyes of the.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Where God's righteousness was doing what was right in order to fill the promises he made to us humans. So now our righteousness is doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord. So it's the same righteousness, it's just rules are flipped. So now this, I think, is looking at it from our righteousness.

Speaker 1:

So the persecuted is on us.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so. So, looking at from that point of view, we hunger and thirst to live rightly, or live in a way that is right or correct in the eyes of the Lord. And that also pairs good with verse 10, because then verse 10 is talking about blessed are those who are persecuted for having that desire to live a way that is right in the eyes of the Lord. So it makes sense in both spots there. So that's why I think this righteousness in both spots is talking about our personal righteousness, so living rightly in the eyes of the Lord. So that is basically what we have. So there is something else. So, as I was doing through a lot of those you know to be porn spear was the. Was it the mental or intellectual aspect of faith? To be Lord, to mourn was the emotional aspect of faith. To be meek was the relationship aspect?

Speaker 1:

of faith.

Speaker 2:

Well, it took me a little bit to figure out what I could coin this one, but I ended up falling on the surrendering aspect of faith, because at this point is when we do need to surrender, when we hunger and thirst for living a way that is right in the eyes of the Lord, it requires us to surrender everything and giving it to the Lord, and then that ends a brand new back, full circle, to to being porn spirit and living a life that is focused on the Lord.

Speaker 2:

So all of these do work together. That is why they are all the core Christian values and they all work hand in hand. And you, I mean you probably can't have one without the other, but typically, if you are really living a Christian life, then you will be living all of these values. So that is why they are a guideline for for the way we live our lives. So, just to finish this up, for they shall be satisfied. So, again, this is similar to the previous promises it's future tense, so it's talking about a future fulfillment, but again, tomorrow is the future, so it could be a partial fulfillment even while we are here on this earth, but it will be fully fulfilled whenever we go to heaven.

Speaker 2:

And then the last thing, this idea of being satisfied. Yeah, you know we're talking about those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Whenever your hunger and thirst is satisfied is when it goes away, so it pairs well with the idea of hunger and thirst. Yeah, it does so. Okay, we were able to a lot we did. Sounds like the storm's gone so you can walk home.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, so we do. We thank you for joining us. Please leave a message or comment on the video or go to the contact page on Pure Faith Livingcom to send us a message and, as always, if you like what you hear, then we ask that you share the show with others so we can all work together and spring the joy and the good news of Jesus Christ. Don't forget to subscribe and we will talk to you again next time.

Speaker 2:

Have a blessed day everybody.